This free, printable, unit study is a ministry of Heather Idoni, and Funschooling Units Please feel free to share it with others. KINGS, QUEENS and CASTLES by Karen Caroe
***FRESHLY Updated Links as of 2/4/2010
European culture dominated the Middle Ages. We think of
Medieval England when we think of the Middle Ages--and that is mostly what is
covered in this Funschool Unit. While the practices were varied from place to
place, the Middle Ages--as a whole--is characterized by a specific set of values
and institutions that reflect the three dominant influences that have come
before: Roman, Christian, and Barbarian. This unit is predominantly intended to
introduce you and your child to the High Middle Ages in a fun, hands-on way that
will peak their interest in further study. RESOURCES 1) Greenleaf Press -- I highly value the material available from Greenleaf Press and recommend it for any historical study. They integrate their philosophy of education throughout their history guides and it has been very helpful to me in my homeshooling. 2) Classic Konos Character Curriculum: Kings and Queens - If you are serious about Unit Studies and want to do something "bigger" than a funschool unit, I recommend an investment in this curriculum. Here is how one family has used Konos for medieval studies! 3) Dorling-Kindersley Family Learning Books -- There are many,
many books, videos and CD's available to enhance all unit studies:
1) Castles of the World: BOOKS I recommend you check your library and bookstores for books
that would appeal to the age groups you are teaching. There are many books about
Knights, Kings, Queens, and Castles. A highly recommended book for younger
children is A Medieval Feast by Aliki. This time period is ideal for introducing
your children to the Classics. The Adventures of Robin Hood, Ivanhoe, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, The Sword in the Stone, and a WONDERFUL read-aloud for a mother and son - The Sword in the Tree by Clyde Robert Bulla. THE UNIT 1) Make a list of all the kings and queens you can think
of--Biblical, fictional, real. Discuss what you know about each one. How are
they similar/different.
1) Beginning with Canute the Great, find out who ruled England
during the Middle Ages (there will be several). Find out how each came to power
and why they were given their descriptive names. Geography 1) What did Europe look like at the beginning of the Middle
Ages? (Start somewhere around 1000 A.D.) Language Arts 1) Vocabulary/Spelling: Select words that are at your child's
level. Choose words from the parts of a castle, the parts of armor, the
positions of people in court, and from your family reading. Social Studies 1) Noblemen were given land by a king. The noble would say
to the King, "I am your man." and the land was called his manor. The
king also bestowed a coat of arms. What is your family's coat of arms. If you
don't know, make one up. Other Activities 1) Listen to Medieval Music on as original instruments as
possible. Big Project Plan a Medieval Feast with other families or a co-op. Use a book like A Medieval Feast by Aliki to help you plan it.
For questions, comments, and suggestions, Please e-mail Heather at
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